Idea Archive 02 Milton Glaser
IDEA Magazine

Idea Archive 02 Milton Glaser
Published: 2004/03/31
Price: 定価3,142円/2,857+tax jp yen
ISBN 978-4-416-60400-7

Size: 225 x 297mm
121 pages

Milton Glaser (1929-) is known as a designer and illustrator leading the United States in the later half of the 20th century.  He is one of the founders of Pushpin Studio. This book is a compilation of Glaser’s 60s graphic work.

This book is a reprint of the additional volume of Idea Maganize published in 1968. In addition to the attractive members of contributors such as Ikko Tanaka, Hiromu Hara, and Kiyoshi Awazu, an interview with Milton Glaser himself is included in the book. The art direction and layout by Tadanori Yokoo fully convey the atmosphere of the time.

Glaser’s artwork in various forms such as the logo “I ♥ NY,” posters for Bob Dylan and other artists, of paperback covers, magazines illustrations, and record jackets attracts people from all around the world.

The 51th volume of Pushpin Graphic Magazine, which was dedicated to Georges Melies well-known for his movie “A Trip to the Moon,” is inserted as a supplement.