Ruder typography Ruder philosophy
Emil Ruder, Helmut Schmid

Ruder typography Ruder philosophy
Published: 2017/08/03
Price: 定価4,950円/4,500+tax jp yen
ISBN 978-4416617519

Planning, concept and design by Helmut Schmid.


Aims for the teaching of typography at Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel
Typography from the classes of composition at AGS Basel
Set elementary ornaments
Unified design of printed matter
Colour guide for printers
Kleine Stilkunde [A Brief Style Guide]

Emil Ruder and Serif typography
Aims for the teaching of typography at Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel
Typography from the classes of composition at AGS Basel
Set elementary ornaments
Unified design of printed matter
Colour guide for printers
Kleine Stilkunde [A Brief Style Guide]

Emil Ruder and Sans Serif typography
We can only begin to understand …
On drinking tea, typography, historicism, symmetry and asymmetry
On Bauhaus-typography
Typo-compositions, an attempt
Kleine Stillehre der Moderne
On Present-day Typography
Election propaganda – well designed

Emil Ruder and Univers typography
Univers 55, 12pt test size
Univers and contemporary typography
Compositor, typographer, typographic designer?
Typographie – a manual of design
Phototype setting – a new period of typography begins

on Emil Ruder
Leon Maillet, Tessin
Armin Hofmann, Lucerne
Karl Gerstner, Basel
Kurt Hauert, Basel
Lenz Klotz, Basel
Wim Crouwel, Amsterdam
Adrian Frutiger, Paris
Hans Rudolf Bosshard, Zurich
Andre Gutler, Basel
Juan Arrausi, Barcelona
Ake Nilsson, Uppsala
Fridolin Muller, Stein am Rhein
Harry Boller, Chicago
Maxim Zhukov, New York
Taro Yamamoto, Tokyo
Fjodor Gejko, Dusseldorf
Helmut Schmid, Osaka
Susanne Ruder-Schwarz, Basel


1914 Born in Zurich, March 20
1929-33 Apprenticeship as compositor
1938-39 Studied in Paris. French language diploma.
1939-41 Akzidenzfaktor at Fachverlag in Zurich.
1941-42 Student at the Zurich Kunstgewerbeschule,
class for type composition and letterpress printing.
Studied under Alfred Willimann and Walter Käch.
1942 Appointed full-time teacher of typography at
Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel (AGS).
1947 Head of department 3 of AGS Basel
[department of apprentices in applied arts]
1947 Initiated the specialized class for letterpress printing
(Tagesfachklasse fur Buchdruck). Head of this class.
1948 Head of the Basel group of the Swiss Werkbund (SWB).
1950 Married Ingeborg Susanne Schwarz, October 18
1951 First son Martin is born, September 26
1954 Second son Daniel is born, April 9
1956 Initiated the typography course for (three) selected students
(Gestaltungsklasse ur Typographie).
1956 Member of the jury ‘Die gute Form’ [good design]
at the Swiss Industries Fair, Basel (Mustermesse Basel).
1956 Member of the Central Committee of the Swiss Werkbund
(as successor to Georg Schmidt).
1958 Member of the Managing Committee of the SWB.
1959 Swiss national representative at the ATypI
(Association Typographique Internationale).
1961 Member of the Federal Commission for Applied Art
(as successor to Berthold von Gronigen).
1961 Artistic adviser to the Swiss Post Office, stamps department.
1962 Cofounder of the International Center for Typographic Arts
(ICTA), New York.
1965 Director of Allgemeine Gewerbeschule Basel
and the Basel Gewerbemuseum [Basel Arts and Crafts Museum].
1966 Second chairman of the Swiss Werkbund
1967 Published Typographie at Niggli Verlag, Teufen
1968 Initiated the International Advanced Program for Graphic Design
with Armin Hofmann (Weiterbildungsklasse fur Graphik).
1970 Died in Basel, March 13