IDEA magazine211

IDEA No.211
Published: 1988/11

Cover Design: Makoto Saito
Cooperation: KINDWEAR
©1988 Seibundo Shinkosha
Editor in chief: Fumio Sudoh
Editorial Director: Ko Konishi
Publisher: Shigeo Ogawa
Editorial Cooperation: Midori Imatake
Editorial Cooperation: Ohchi Design Office
Editorial Cooperation: Masuteru Aoba
Printers: Nishiki Printing Co., Ltd.
Printers: Dainippon Printing Co., Ltd.
Printers: Mitsumura Printing Co., Ltd.

The 2nd International Triennial of Poster in Toyama 1988 by Judgement Review: Alan Fletcher, Ivan Chermayeff, Waldemar Sweizy and Ikko Tanaka
On the Occasion of the 2nd IPT by Masataka Ogawa
Denise Satter
Display Designer, Edgar Reinhard by Shigeru Watano
34th New York Tyoe Directors Club in Tokyo 1988 by Kenzo Nakagawa
Pierre Doyonnax by Shigeru Watano
Janusz Kapusta
William Douglas King’s Photography
Posters by Yukimasa Okumura by Sho Akiyama
Barbara Nessim
Cathy Doutreligne by Shigeru Watano
Tje Art of Persuation by Noriyoshi Sawamoto
Package Design Exhibition ’88 Jiyu Box by Koichi Nakai
The Trick by Shigeo Fukuda
Series 9-①②③ Art in New York Today, 9-①Arthur Cohen who Travels in Baroque Black Hole, 9-②Mon Levinson in Parallel World, 9-③DNA Spiral of Nassos Daphnis
Asahi Advertising Award 1987 by The Asahi Newspaper
NDC Graphics by Kazumasa Nagai
10th Japanese Typeface Contest “ISHII AWARD” Exhibition by Tadasu Fukano
Product Design by Igarashi Studio
Overseas News, Addresses of Contributors, Domestic News, Book Review and Exhibition News

Makoto Saito
Born in Fukuoka in 1952. He is active in various fields as a graphic desinger, commercial art director, creative director and film director, and he is a producer / designer of new products. He debuted as a graphic designer in the early 1980’s. His posters are included in the permanent collections of The Museum of Modern Art New York and in also other museums in such locations as Chicago, London, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, and Tokyo.