IDEA magazine303
Cuba Poster

IDEA No.303
Published: 2004/3
Price: 定価3,048/2,771+tax jp yen soldout

The Bright World of Cuban Posters / Jop van Bennekom, Magazine as Designer’s Private Medium / glass on table Alexander Gelman / Stefan Sagmeister’s latest works / Hiroshi Ohchi-Design, Education and Journalism / Invisible Language Vol.12 by Paul Elliman / When Pigs Design Vol.25 by Kyoichi Tsuzuki / Typography Review vol. 3, Supervision by Jiro Katashio, Text and Design by Yoshihisa Shirai, Text by Baumann & Baumann / News + Information / heiQuiti HARATA IDEA remix ver. 6.0.J [Galleria Linga Franka] / Shinro Ohtake Original Serial Poster vol. 6 [DENKAME]Cover artwork by Eduardo Muñoz Bachs “Cine móvil”, 1969

The Bright World of Cuban Posters
After the revolution of 1959, the Cuban government produced thousands of posters as a way to connect people in a social and political context. Socialism under Castro was not straight Marxism-Leninism, but a new form of socialism that acknowledged Cuban history and actual conditions in Cuba at the time. As a result, the posters of the new regime used modes of expression that reflected the daily realities of their intended audience, the Cuban population. Cuban posters had a particular appeal, one that balanced a strength imbued with the excitement and fervor of people creating a new society with a feeling of intimacy created by that comes from designs intended for anyone to be able to understand and enjoy. In particular, Cuban film posters gave full play to their creator’s free interpretation and ingenuity, and look especially ideal and luxurious to eyes only too familiar with hyper-commercial posters. This special report presents 81 Cuban posters, 40 of which are for films, primarily from the Cuban Posters 1937-2003 exhibition held last fall at Gifu University of Economics.


Jop van Bennekom, Magazine as Designer’s Private Medium
The editorial designer from the Netherlands, Jop van Bennekom. He is dealing with all edit work in the magazine “Re -” and “BUTT” which are his typical works and are also private works. While picturing real figure with interviews and photographs, he pierces through the style of non-commercialism in the editorial. The simple composition, and the humor with high flexibility is attractive. We introduce the contents and the editorial work of “Re -” and “BUTT”, and close up Bennekom’s figure.


glass on table Alexander Gelman


Stefan Sagmeister’s latest works
Stefan Sagmeister’s lecture “Is it possible to touch somebody’s heart with design?” performed at the international design conference “VISUALOGUE” held in Nagoya in October 2003, were welcomed by many participants and students. While recording the lecture with plates, the latest design work as practice of his design philosophy is introduced.


Hiroshi Ohchi-Design, Education and Journalism
Designer Hiroshi Ohchi who is the first art director of IDEA magazine, has been active in design, education, and edit publication before Second World War. In this article, we note the new side of the history of japanese design development which did not verify until now.


When Pigs Design Vol.25 by Kyoichi Tsuzuki

Typography Review vol. 3
Supervision by Jiro Katashio, Text and Design by Yoshihisa Shirai, Text by Baumann & Baumann

heiQuiti HARATA IDEA remix ver. 6.0.J [Galleria Linga Franka]


Shinro Ohtake Original Serial Poster <2nd Impact> vol. 6 [DENKAME]
