IDEA magazine311
Sound Cosmography

IDEA No.311
Published: 2005/7
Price: 定価3,111円/2,829+tax jp yen soldout

Special Feature: Sound CosmographyResponse in Silence: on the way to ECM covers / “the heaven is round and the earth is square” The world of Kohei Sugiura’s record jackets./ datamatics = C4I + data.series–a project by Ryoji Ikeda / Karlheinz Stockhausen’s original drawings: between sound and sight / Emotions and Expressions–Works of hidetoshi Mito / When Pigs Design Vol.32 by Kyoichi Tsuzuki “Tempting 4 color process prints–City Heaven, the printed cosmos of 2500gram” / Typography Review vol. 9 “The Origins and Historical Changes of the Shueitai Typeface” Text by Taro Yamamoto, Design by Yoshihisa Shirai,Typeset by Akira Okayasu / Kuni Metal–Design of the new special paper by GRAPH / Variations on a Silence:Project for a Recycling Plant / News + Information / Shinro Ohtake Original Serial Poster Part 12, Side A: ‘Office Room’, Side B: ‘What’s already there’

Special Feature: Sound Cosmography
Response in Silence
on the way to ECM covers

“the heaven is round and the earth is square”
The world of Kohei Sugiura’s record jackets.


datamatics = C4I + data.series
a project by Ryoji Ikeda


Karlheinz Stockhausen‘s original drawings
between sound and sight


Emotions and Expressions
works of Hidetoshi Mito


本誌311号におきまして以下の誤りがございましたので,訂正いたします。p.58(キャプション)誤1965年正1956年p.59(左段31行)誤 1955年正1956年p.60(プロフィール)誤’55年正’56年関係者ならびに読者の皆様にご迷惑をおかけいたしましたことを,ここに深くお詫びい たします。