IDEA magazine145
Anton Stankowski

Cover Design:Pino Tovaglia

Pino Tovaglia Shigeru Watano
Special feature: Anton Stankowski
Ikuo Sakurai’s Unique Toys Shigeo Fukuda
The 12th Society of Publication Design Exhibition Shin’ichiro Tora
Art Center College of Design Fumiko Hashimoto, Layout: Takenobu Igatashi
The Portraits Show at the AIGA Shin’ichi Segi
The 20th Anniversary of Push Pin Graphic, Inc.
Kyushu (Japan) Graphic Design Association
The Poster Show 1977 / ADLA Toshifumi Kawahara
Hide Gotoh
Joy Harrison
Unimark International Milano Shigeru Watano
Schechter + Luth Layout: Imatake & Associates Inc
Alvin Schechter Interviewer: Midori Imatake
Special feature: The 1st NAAC Exhibition

Pino Tovaglia
He designed the magazines, ‘Pirelli,’ ‘Rai’ and ‘Le Arti’ as an art director for Pirelli from 1958 till ’73. Making full use of various modes of expression, he greatly contributed to the good reputation of Pirelli advertisement. Since 1973 he created many modern art works as well as designing logo, picture book, TV commercial, calender, books and posters.